Panel 2: Economics of Net0Biomass

Zvonimir Baković
Zvonimir Baković graduated on the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade in 1996. He started working on forest management as a student and got a job in the public company “Srbijašume”, Planning Bureau and design in 1999. He was engaged in forest management work until 2012.
In October 2011, at the Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forestry he was promoted to a doctoral student in the doctoral studies organized by the latter college. He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Organizational measures for achieving the goals of forest management in modern conditions”. He produced more than 70 instructions, guidelines and analyzes in the field of forestry, remittances, incidental returns, rehabilitation plans, etc. He is the author of the model rehabilitation plan for rehabilitation of damaged forests from abiotic and biotic damages, according to which more than 87 have been drafted and adopted so far rehabilitation plans. He was a participant in more than 45 working bodies (Commissions, Working Teams and Working groups) that dealt with the issue of forest cultivation, management planning forests and the use of forests, eliminating the consequences of natural disasters, assessments of the value of forests, forest land, preparation of legal and by-law acts.