Panel 1: Knowledge of Net0Biomass

Mersudin Avdibegović
Prof. Ph.D. Mersudin Avdibegović is a professor at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo (scientific field: Economics, policy and organization of forestry and urban greenery). He studied, got his master’s and doctorate at the Faculty of Forestry in Sarajevo. He attended postgraduate studies organized by the Norwegian School of Management BI/University of Oslo and the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo. He is the representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the International Council of IUFRO. He was a member of MEP IPBES, co-chairman of the IPBES Working Group for Policy Instruments and Methodologies and national representative in the COST Domain Committee “Forest Products and Service”. He currently represents BiH in the FAO group “Management of Mountain Watersheds” and the group “Forest Pedagogics” (Forest Communication Network). Areas of scientific interest: domestic and international forestry policy, environmental legislation, political-economic aspects of the use of forest biomass, sustainable development and resolution of conflicts regarding natural resources, certification in forestry. Scientific opus: 3 books, 1 university textbook, 2 scientific monographs, 3 chapters in international monographs and more than 150 scientific and professional works (Google Scholar references: citations 820, h-index 15, i10-index 18).